Our Best Salad Recipes
23 Recipes
Our Best Salad Recipes
23 Recipes
In our book, it is always salad season. In the spring, we reach for Peter Hoffman’s German potato salad recipe that’s loaded with fresh herbs, and in summer, we buy as many tomatoes and cucumbers as our arms will hold for a Persian Shirazi salad. As the weather turns cool in autumn, we toss together cookbook author Erin Gleeson’s carrot and quinoa salad recipe and in the winter we dress up classic tuna fish salad with a bit of diced pickle and celery for crunch.
Since we started collecting family recipes in 2017, we have documented dozens of salads from Jewish families around the world. They play a particularly important role in many North African and Sephardi Jewish homes, where mezze or small dishes like kemia de pepinos (cucumber salad with fresh mint) are a vital part of Shabbat meals.
In this collection, you will find some of our favorites including a hearty steak salad with blackberries from chef and farmer Hedai Offaim and a silken tofu and chili crisp salad from Jamie Wei, who brings together her Taiwanese heritage with her husband’s Jewish roots.
Do you have a beloved family salad recipe? We would love to hear about it.
You can find more Jewish recipes here and in our cookbook “The Jewish Holiday Table: A World of Recipes, Traditions & Stories to Celebrate All Year Long.”
In this collection
23 Recipes