Shared by Peter Hoffman

Sometimes a recipe is a procedure rather than a set of ingredients. To make this like chef and author Peter Hoffman's mother, dress the potatoes with the vinegar while they are still hot so the potatoes can fully absorb the bright acidity.
Read more about Peter Hoffman's family in "Cool Down With Chef Peter Hoffman’s Summer Dinner Menu" and try his recipes for seared spiced tuna, summer bean salad, and meurbeteig (summer fruit cake).
In a medium saucepan, boil the potatoes in salted water until easily pierced with a fork, 8-10 minutes.
Drain the potatoes. Cool slightly by running under cold water until you can handle. Slice into ¼” rounds and place in a large bowl.
While the potatoes are still warm, add the mustard, apple cider vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, and salt and mix to combine.
Add the parsley, lovage, tarragon, and dill and mix to combine. Taste and adjust for seasoning.
Let cool to room temperature and serve immediately.