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Passover Recipes From Jewish Communities Around the World


28 Recipes

Photographer: Penny De Los Santos. Food Stylist: Judy Haubert. Prop Stylist: Vanessa Vazquez.
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Passover Recipes From Jewish Communities Around the World


28 Recipes

On the Jewish calendar, spring arrives with a rush of excitement for Passover — particularly for those of us who love to cook. We spend the weeks before picking out Passover recipes and inviting friends and families to our Seders. 

More so than with any other Jewish holiday, we tell stories through food on Passover. Matzo and Seder plate classics like sweet charoset, bitter maror, and fresh karpas serve as guideposts as we retell the story of the Exodus from ancient Egypt and celebrate our freedom. 

Taking care to avoid chametz or leavening, Jewish communities across the Diaspora developed signature Passover dishes. You’ll find many of them in this collection like the savory Sephardi pie mina and Ashkenazi classics like matzo ball soup and gefilte fish. You will also find Michael Twitty's West African brisket and collard greens with horseradish. For dessert, there's fruit compote and an almond cake from Italy and Libya.

There are also recipes for Passover meals beyond Seder, like matzo brei, Syrian matzo kebab, and several salads, so you can make the most of the spring produce at the farmers market.

Like all of the recipes in our archive, these reflect the traditions of the families who shared them with us — meaning some contain kitniyot. If it’s your custom to refrain from eating them during the holiday, be sure to bookmark those recipes for another time.

You can find more Jewish recipes here and in our cookbook "The Jewish Holiday Table: A World of Recipes, Traditions & Stories to Celebrate All Year Long."

In this collection


28 Recipes