24 Shabbat Dinner Ideas From Jewish Families Around the World
24 Recipes

24 Shabbat Dinner Ideas From Jewish Families Around the World
24 Recipes
Shabbat dinner is the culinary highlight of the Jewish week, giving us a chance to gather friends and family for a big meal around a table where we can linger for hours. In some communities, the menu is set. In a Persian home, you are likely to find abgoosht soup and dumplings made from poultry and chickpea flour called gondi. Moroccan Jews traditionally start their Friday nights with spicy fish, while stuffed vegetables and grape leaves are popular with many Sephardi cooks. Meanwhile, for traditional Ashkenazi families, matzah ball soup, gefilte fish, and roast chicken are served year-round.
But Shabbat meals are also a wonderful time to mix and match recipes, draw inspiration from the farmers market, and even cook a favorite recipe from another Jewish holiday. No matter whether you’re the type of cook whose preparations start mid-week or one who pulls together a beautiful meal after work on Friday, you will find delicious Shabbat dinner ideas to enjoy in this collection.
Start with freshly-baked challah from celebrated baker Uri Scheft or Ethiopian dabo from chef and restaurateur Beejhy Barhany. For a main course, there’s oven-poached salmon with lemon and dill, chef Michael Solomonov’s coffee-braised brisket, a Persian eggplant tachin that’s vegetarian, and lots more Shabbat recipes.
If you’re having guests over, asking them to bring dessert is always a good idea, especially if you’re short on time. You can also bake the chocolate chip olive oil mandel bread or prepare the classic fruit compote recipe below a day in advance.
Find more Shabbat recipes in our cookbook "The Jewish Holiday Table: A World of Recipes, Traditions & Stories to Celebrate All Year Long" and lots of Jewish recipes in our archive.
In this collection
24 Recipes