Shared by Elle Brosh

This is a Moroccan chopped salad made with tomatoes, peppers, celery, capers, and preserved lemon. “Merk hzina” is Judeo-Arabic for “sad sauce” — or what we’d call a “kitchen sink” salad, says Elle Brosh. In her family, this was a salad enjoyed at the week’s end, or the day before heading to the souk to restock.
Read more about Elle Brosh in “Cooking My Way Back to My North African-Jewish Roots” and try her recipes for Omelette Juive (Algerian Omelette) and J’ben (Homemade Moroccan Cheese).
Halve the cherry tomatoes, and dice the bell peppers and celery. In a large bowl, toss with the preserved lemon peel, capers, red wine vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil and salt.
Add the reserved celery leaves. Serve immediately.