Shared by Maya Jankelowitz

This recipe was shared by Maya Jankelowitz Read more about her family in "How a Libyan Shabbat Tagine Became a Beloved New York Dish" and try her recipes for kohlrabi and carrot salad, roasted cauliflower, and fried zucchini chips.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a small bowl, toss the beets with the garlic and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Transfer to a baking dish. Cover with aluminum foil and roast for 30 minutes. The beets will be very tender when a small knife is inserted in the middle (be sure to test out a few larger pieces); if the beets are not easily pierced, roast for an additional 10 to 15 minutes and test again.
Once beets and garlic cool slightly, place them in a food processor and process until combined. Add the tahini, lemon juice, and salt and blend again, scraping any bits off the sides. Process again, pouring the remaining ¼ cup olive oil in a slow stream into the food processor while the mixture is blending. Once all the ingredients are added, process for 3 minutes or until the mixture is very smooth. Transfer to a plate for serving or into a container and refrigerate.
To serve, sprinkle the za’atar over the dip, add the crumbled feta cheese on top, and finish with a hefty splash of extra virgin olive oil. Serve with pita for dipping.
All recipes are excerpted with permission from Jack’s Wife Freda Cookbook, from Blue Rider Press.