Shared by Anna Kharzeeva

Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage. Place a few cabbage leaves in one layer into the bottom of a 3 quart dutch oven that is lined with enamel. Save a few more leaves for the top of the sauerkraut.
Remove the core of the cabbage and thinly slice the rest of the cabbage using a knife or mandoline. Place the cabbage and carrot slices into a large bowl and sprinkle with the salt and sugar. Massage the mixture with your hands for 3 to 5 minutes until liquids begin to release and the cabbage becomes more tender. Add the mixture into the pot and press it down with your hands. Cover with one layer of the cabbage leaves.
Place a plate that fits into the pot over the cabbage leaves and press down. Place a 3 quart glass jar filled with water on top of the plate to press the cabbage down. Add enough water into the cabbage to cover the cabbage and the plate that is on top of the cabbage. Set the pot aside in a dark, cool place for 24 hours.
After 24 hours, take the glass jar and the plate off of the cabbage. Leave the cabbage uncovered for 1 hour. Cover the cabbage with a new plate and jar of water and let the cabbage rest for 24 more hours. Repeat this process one more time. After the cabbage has been resting and fermenting for 72 hours total, discard the large leaves, and pack the sour cabbage into a large sterilized glass jar or into a few small glass jars and refrigerate.
Enjoy the sour cabbage and store for up to 1 month in the refrigerator.