Shared by Jeremy Salamon

Clarified butter is also known as ghee and can be found in some grocery stores. If you don’t have clarified butter you can make your own or use regular unsalted butter, but be sure to monitor the heat closely so the butter doesn’t brown or burn.
This recipe was shared by Jeremy Salamon. Read more about his family in "Preserving a Grandmother’s Hungary" and try his recipes for nokedli (fresh pasta) and chicken paprikas.
In a medium bowl, beat the eggs together. Add ⅓ of the milk and the flour and beat until combined (the thick consistency will help eliminate lumps). Add the remaining milk, salt, and vanilla and whisk to combine. Let sit for 30 minutes, then loosen the batter with a splash of seltzer, just before cooking.
Heat a small nonstick or well-seasoned cast iron skillet over medium heat. Lightly grease with clarified butter, using a paper towel to wipe out the excess. Hold the pan's handle in one hand and pour in 3 to 4 tablespoons of the batter, swirling and tilting pan to spread batter in a thin, even layer to coat the bottom.
Let cook until top begins to dry. Using a thin spatula, lift one edge of crepe. Grab that edge with your fingers and flip. Cook on the second side for 10 seconds, then transfer to a plate. Repeat with remaining batter.
Fill the crepes with desired fillings and roll into logs. Finish with a dollop of sour cream and/or whip cream.