Shared by Michel Thouati

This recipe was shared by Michel Thouati. Read more about his family in "Preserving a Five-Century Long Link to Andalusia at Passover and Beyond" and his recipes for Orange and Olive Salad, Rojitos Fritos de Pessah (Passover Fish Escabeche), and Carrilleras Asadas en Lancha de Matsa (Braised Beef Cheeks).
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Grease 2 baking pans with 1 tablespoon of olive oil per pan.
Place the beet slices in one layer onto the baking pans. Sprinkle the mace, cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, salt and lemon zest over the beets. Transfer the baking pans into the oven and roast for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until the beets are cooked through and start to just crisp on the edges. Check on the beets every once in a while and sprinkle a few drops of lemon juice or water on the beets if you feel they are getting too crispy. Transfer the beets out of the oven. Increase the oven’s heat to broil (500 degrees F). Sprinkle the remaining tablespoon of brown sugar over the beets and broil for 5 minutes or until the sugar is caramelized on the beets.
Transfer the beets out of the oven and onto a cutting board. Cut the beets into thin slivers that are 2 inches long.
Bruise the mint leaves with the back of a wooden spoon. Roughly chop the larger leaves.
To serve, place 1 scoop of ice cream in small individual bowls. Sprinkle the ice cream with the warm beets and mint leaves. Serve immediately.