Shared by Nitza Kardish

This recipe was shared by Nitza Kardish. Read more about her family in "A Libyan Shakshuka That Will Never Change" and try her recipes for sesame seed rolls, and ma'akud (potato casserole with beef and vegetables).
Combine the olive oil, tomatoes, garlic, peppers, paprika, salt, and 2 cups of water in a large skillet or braiser.
Bring to a simmer over medium-high heat, then lower to the lowest possible flame and cook for 4-5 hours. This may require moving your skillet to the smallest burner on the stove. Stir occasionally and add water, 1 cup at a time, as necessary until a deeply flavorful, thick, jammy base forms.
To finish, gently crack the eggs over the sauce. Cover and cook on medium-high heat until the whites are hardened but the yolk is still runny, about 5 minutes. Serve immediately with homemade bread.
Sauce can be frozen or stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.