Shared by Tiffany Kisluk

This recipe was shared by Tiffany Kisluk. Read more about her family in "For This Tunisian Family, the Grill’s Always On the Night Before Passover" and try her recipes for spicy merguez kebabs and chicken skewers with paprika and lemon.
Place the juice of 1 lemon into a large mixing bowl and fill it halfway up with cold water.
Peel the outer rough artichoke leaves until you are left with only light green ones. Cut the upper ¾ of the artichoke leaves, leaving the choke and heart of the artichoke intact. Cut off the artichoke stem. Dip the artichoke into the lemon water to prevent it from oxidizing.
Scoop out the center choke with a spoon or melon baller. Dip the exposed areas into the lemon juice. Peel the outer green edge of the artichoke heart. Place the cleaned artichoke heart into the lemon water and repeat with the remaining artichokes.
Chop the artichoke into a ½ inch dice, immediately placing it back into the bowl with the lemon juice. Set aside for 2 minutes.
Drain the artichokes from the lemon water and place them into another large bowl. Add the remaining lemon juice, the fifelochuma or harissa paste, salt, olive oil, scallions and parsley and toss the salad well.
Serve cold or at room temperature.