Shared by Italo Camerino

This recipe was shared by Italo Camerino. Read more about his family in " How Roman Jewish Recipes Endured at One Family’s Home in Montreal" and try his recipes for concia (zucchini salad), aliciotti con indivia (anchovies baked with escarole), and chicken meatballs with celery.
Place olive oil in a 4 to 5 quart pot over medium high heat. Make sure the olive oil is deep enough to completely submerge the artichokes during frying. Heat the olive oil until it reads 300 degrees on a thermometer.
Meanwhile, fill a large mixing bowl with cold water ¾ the way up the bowl. Cut 1 lemon in half, squeeze the lemon juice into the bowl with water and place the lemon halves in the water.
Starting with one artichoke at a time, trim the about ¼ inch of the stem off the artichoke. Pull off the outer leaves until only pale green leaves are left on the artichoke. Using a peeler, peel the outer layer of the stem. Cut ¼ to ½ inch off the top of the artichoke, crosswise. Squeeze lemon juice on the artichokes when peeling and cutting. Place artichoke in the bowl of water. Repeat with the remaining artichokes. Let the artichokes sit in the water for 10 minutes. Transfer the artichokes out of the water. Place them stem side up over a towel to drain off water. Pat the artichokes dry with a towel.
Once the oil is at 300 degrees, gently place 4 of the artichokes in the oil. Fry artichokes for about 10 to 15 minutes until fork tender. Turn the artichokes occasionally to make sure all sides get browned. Transfer the artichokes to a paper towel lined tray to drain any excess oil. Let cool for about 5 minutes. Use your fingers to gently open up the artichokes leaves at the heart and season the artichokes with salt and pepper.
Place the artichokes back in the oil and fry for about 3 to 5 more minutes until deep golden brown and crispy.
Serve hot with a few wedges of fresh lemon on the side.